As lipid peroxidation involves complex reactions and a great variety of substrates, understanding of these processes has come from studies of simple model substrates such as fatty acids of increasing unsaturation degree (the main fraction of membrane lipids) or cholesterol (abundant in blood plasma and cell membranes).
It is now well admitted that lipids are non-enzymatically peroxidized through two types of reaction:
autoxidation or photo-oxygenation.
Besides these mechanisms, fatty acids may also be peroxidized via enzyme activities:
enzymatic peroxidation.
To know more about the mechanisms of fatty acid oxidation:
Primary peroxidation products are hydroperoxides in which double bond(s) may have moved or/and changed configuration. These products may be structurally rearranged, converted into secondary peroxidation products, either smaller molecules by fission or bigger by dimerization.
Autoxidation or photo-oxygenation of fatty acids give slightly different products.
To know more about: Primary peroxidation products:
To know more about: Secondary peroxidation products:
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