Effect of extraction solvents on the lipid profiles and volatile compounds of fish roe phospholipids.
Zheng X et al., Food Chem 2025, 476, 143444
LC-ESI-HRMS — lipidomics of phospholipids
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Characterization of phospholipidome in milk, yogurt and cream, and phospholipid differences related to various dairy processing methods
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Development and validation of a simple and rapid HILIC-MS/MS method for the quantification of low-abundant lysoglycerophospholipids in human plasma
Li H et al., Anal Bioanal Chem 2023, 415, 411–425
Effect of Four Extraction Processes with Acetone-Ethanol Protocols on the Properties of Egg Yolk Phosphatidylcholine and the Structure of Residual Protein
Liu Y et al., J Oleo Sci 2023, 72, 49-58
Quantitative analysis of ethanolamine plasmalogen species in red blood cells using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for diagnosing peroxisome biogenesis disorders
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Rapid analysis of plasmalogen individual species by high-resolution mass spectrometry
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Optimization of chromatographic buffer conditions for the simultaneous analysis of phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylinositol phosphate species in canola
Gertner DS et al., J Sep Sci 2023, 46, 2300165
Structural characterization of phospholipids and sphingolipids by in-source fragmentation MALDI/TOF mass spectrometry
Hay-Yan J. et al., Anal Bioanall Chem 2022, 414, 2089–2102
Lipidomics Screening of Polyunsaturated Phospholipid Molecular Species in Crab (Portunus trituberculatus) Muscular Tissue: A Nontarget Approach by HILIC-MS
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Quantitative determination of sn-positional phospholipid isomers in MSn using silver cationization
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Rapid assessment of fatty acyls chains of phospholipids and plasmalogens by atmospheric pressure chemical ionization in positive mode and high-resolution mass spectrometry using in-source generated monoacylglycerol like fragments intensities
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Optimization of n-Hexane-Acetone System for Extraction of Phosphatidylcholine and Phosphatidylethanolamine by Response Surface Methodology
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Structure-specific, accurate quantitation of plasmalogen glycerophosphoethanolamine
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Analysis of serum lysophosphatidylethanolamine levels in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
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Quantitative and comparative study of plasmalogen molecular species in six edible shellfishes by hydrophilic interaction chromatography mass spectrometry
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Application of enzymatic fluorometric assays to quantify phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and sphingomyelin in human plasma lipoproteins
Tsuji T et al., Chem Phys Lipids 2021, 238, 105102
Detailed structural characterization of cardiolipins from various biological sources using a complex analytical strategy comprising fractionation, hydrolysis and chiral chromatography
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Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Sphingomyelin with N-α-Hydroxy Fatty Acyl Residue in Mouse Tissues
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Characterization of glycerophospholipid molecular species in muscles from three species of cephalopods by direct infusion-tandem mass spectrometry.
Yan Shen Y et al., Chem Phys Lipids 2020, 226, 104848
Comprehensive characterization of neutral and polar lipids of buttermilk from different sources and its milk fat globule membrane isolates.
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Preparation of n‐3 Polyunsaturated Phosphatidylglycerol from Salmon Roe Lipids by Phospholipase D and In Vitro Digestion.
Chen L et al., Europ J Lipid Sci Technol 2020,122, 1900201
A 1D High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography Method Validated to Quantify Phospholipids Including Cardiolipin and Monolysocardiolipin from Biological Samples.
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Separation and characterization of products from acidic methanolysis of plasmalogenic lipids by two-dimensional gas chromatography with online reduction
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Profiling analysis of phospholipid fatty acids in serum as a complement to the comprehensive fatty acids method
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Lipidome-wide characterization of phosphatidylinositols and phosphatidylglycerols on Cdouble bondC location level.
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A rapid method for the separation of the phospholipids from the neutral lipids in plasma
Liu G et al., Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 2020, 157, 102096
Identification of unusual phospholipids from bovine heart mitochondria by HPLC-MS/MS
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Selective extraction of phospholipids from food by-products by supercritical carbon dioxide and ethanol and formulating ability of extracts
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Profiling and quantification of aminophospholipids based on chemical derivatization coupled with HPLC-MS.
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A method for the quantitative determination of glycerophospholipid regioisomers by UPLC-ESI-MS/MS.
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Development and application of a high throughput one-pot extraction protocol for quantitative LC-MS/MS analysis of phospholipids in serum and lipoprotein fractions in normolipidemic and dyslipidemic subjects.
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Instrument response of phosphatidylglycerol lipids with varying fatty acyl chain length in nano-ESI shotgun experiments.
Hofmann T et al., Chem Phys Lipids 2019, 223, 104782
Comparative evaluation of the extraction and analysis of urinary phospholipids and lysophospholipids using MALDI-TOF/MS.
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Determination of glycerophospholipids in vegetable edible oils: Proof of concept to discriminate olive oil categories.
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Development of a Rapid Ultra High‐Performance Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for the Analysis of sn‐1 and sn‐2 Lysophosphatidic Acid Regioisomers in Mouse Plasma.
Aristizabal‐Henao JJ et al., Lipids 2019, 54, 479-486
Evaluation of Lysophospholipid Measurement in Cerebrospinal Fluid Samples using Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry.
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Liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry characterization of nitroso, nitrated and nitroxidized cardiolipin products.
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Quantification of phospholipid fatty acids by chemical isotope labeling coupled with atmospheric pressure gas chromatography quadrupole- time-of-flight mass spectrometry (APGC/Q-TOF MS).
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Quantitative molecular tissue atlas of Bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate and phosphatidylglycerol membrane lipids in rodent organs generated by methylation assisted high resolution mass spectrometry.
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– 31P NMR Method for Phospholipid Analysis in Krill Oil: Proficiency Testing—A Step toward Becoming an Official Method.
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– Quantification of glycerophospholipids and sphingomyelin in human milk and infant formula by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometer detector.
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– Quantitative determination of cyclic phosphatidic acid and its carba analog in mouse organs and plasma using LC–MS/MS.
Shimizu Y et al., J Chromatogr B 2018, 1076, 15-21
– Analysis of phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, and plasmalogen molecular species in food lipids using an improved 2D high-performance liquid chromatography system.
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– Targeted lipidomics profiling of marine phospholipids from different resources by UPLC-Q-Exactive Orbitrap/MS approach.
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– Facile determination of sphingolipids under alkali condition using metal-free column by LC-MS/MS.
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– Solid-phase extraction of phospholipids using mesoporous silica nanoparticles: application to human milk samples.
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– Quantitative structural characterization of phosphatidylinositol phosphates from biological samples.
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– Enzymatic methods for choline-containing water soluble phospholipids based on fluorescence of choline oxidase: Application to lyso-PAF.
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– Identification of phospholipids classes and molecular species in different types of egg yolk by using UPLC-Q-TOF-MS.
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– Determination of phospholipids in soybean lecithin samples via the phosphorus monoxide molecule by high-resolution continuum source graphite furnace molecular absorption spectrometry.
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– Non-target analysis of phospholipid and sphingolipid species in egg yolk using liquid chromatography/triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry.
Buszewski B. et al., J Chromatogr A 2017, 1487, 179-186
– Accurate quantitation of choline and ethanolamine plasmalogen molecular species in human plasma by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry.
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– Rapid Identification and Relative Quantification of the Phospholipid Composition in Commercial Lecithins by 31P NMR.
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– Phospholipid Profiles of Oleaginous Pressed Cakes Using NMR and Gas Chromatography.
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– Profiling of phospholipids molecular species from different mammalian milk powders by using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-quadrupole-time of flight-mass spectrometry
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– Effective phospholipid removal from plasma samples by solid phase extraction with the use of copper (II) modified silica gel cartridges.
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– Archaeal phospholipids: Structural properties and biosynthesis.
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– Structural analysis of phosphatidylcholine using a thin layer chromatography‐based method.
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– Profiling of phospholipids molecular species from different mammalian milk powders by using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-quadrupole-time of flight-mass spectrometry.
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– Profiling and relative quantification of phosphatidylethanolamine based on acetone stable isotope derivatization.
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– Analytical methods in sphingolipidomics: Quantitative and profiling approaches in food analysis.
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– Determination of phospholipids in milk using a new phosphodiester stationary phase by liquid chromatography-matrix assisted desorption ionization mass spectrometry.
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– Characterization and relative quantification of phospholipids based on methylation and stable isotopic labeling.
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– In-depth sphingomyelin characterization using electron impact excitation of ions from organics and mass spectrometry.
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– Molecular species composition of plant cardiolipin determined by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry.
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– Electrospray mass spectrometry as a tool to characterize phospholipid composition of plant cakes.
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– Measurement of Ether Phospholipids in Human Plasma with HPLC–ELSD and LC/ESI–MS After Hydrolysis of Plasma with Phospholipase A1.
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– Extraction, chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods for lipid analysis.
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– Comparison and Characterization of Soybean and Sunflower Lecithins Used for Chocolate Production by High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection and Electrospray Mass Spectrometry.
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– Ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry for accurate analysis of glycerophospholipids and sphingolipids in drug resistance tumor cells.
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– Analysis of phospholipids in bio-oils and fats by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry.
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– Simultaneous extraction of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine from soybean lecithin.
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– Individual phosphatidylcholine species analysis by RP-HPLC-ELSD for determination of polyenylphosphatidylcholine in lecithins.
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– Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry of a complex mixture of native and oxidized phospholipids.
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– Two-Dimensional High Performance LiquidChromatography-Mass Spectrometry for PhosphatidylcholineAnalysis in Egg Yolk.
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– Mass spectrometry and inflammation—MS methods to study oxidation and enzyme-induced changes of phospholipids.
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– Extraction of phospholipids from structured dry egg yolk.
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– An improved method for determining the phosphorus content in vegetable oils.
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– Separation and identification of lipid classes by normal phase LC-ESI/MS/MS on a cyanopropyl column.
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– Total Phospholipids in Edible Oils by In-Vial Solvent Extraction Coupled with FTIR Analysis.
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– Preparation of Marine Plasmalogen and Selective Identification of Molecular Species by LC-MS/MS.
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– Elucidation of phosphatidylcholine isomers using two dimensional liquid chromatography coupled in-line with ozonolysis mass spectrometry.
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– Characterization of acyl chain position in unsaturated phosphatidylcholines using differential mobility-mass spectrometry.
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– Challenges in accurate quantitation of lysophosphatidic acids in human biofluids.
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– Two-dimensional LC-MS/MS to enhance ceramide and phosphatidylcholine species profiling in mouse liver.
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– Separation and quantification of 2-acyl-1-lysophospholipids and 1-acyl-2-lysophospholipids in biological samples by LC-MS/MS.
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– Synthetic phospholipids with high purity fatty acids.
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– A fast method for the determination of the PC/LPC ratio in intact serum by MALDI-TOF MS: An easy-to-follow lipid biomarker of inflammation.
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– Phospholipidomics reveals differences in glycerophosphoserine profiles of hypothermically stored red blood cells and microvesicles.
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– Lipid fingerprints of intact viruses by MALDI-TOF/mass spectrometry.
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– Application of two new LC-ESI-MS methods for improved detection of intact polar lipids (IPLs) in environmental samples.
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– Mass spectrometry based phospholipidomics of mammalian thymus and leuleukemia patients implication for function of iNKT cells.
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– Lipid profiling of human plasma from peritoneal dialysis patients using an improved 2D (NP/RP) LC6QToF MS method.
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– A simple method to identify ether lipids in spermatozoa samples by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry.
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– Lipidomics in nutrition and food research.
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– Molecular Species of Phospholipids with Very Long Chain Fatty Acids in Skin Fibroblasts of Zellweger Syndrome.
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– Identification of Plasmalogen Cardiolipins from Pectinatus by Liquid Chromatography–High Resolution Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry.
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– Identification of phospholipid species affected by miltefosine action in Leishmania donovani cultures using LC-ELSD, LC-ESI/MS, and multivariate data analysis.
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– Enzymatic measurement of phosphatidylserine in cultured cells.
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– Quantification of bioactive sphingo- and glycerophospholipid species by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry in blood.
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– Comparison of sample preparation approaches for phospholipid profiling in human serum by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.
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– Gravimetric determination of phospholipid concentration.
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– Phosphocholine-containing lipid molecular species profiling in biological tissue using a fast HPLC/QqQ-MS method.
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– Identification of the fatty acyl residues composition and molecular species of phosphatidylcholines in soy lecithin powder by UPLC-ESI-MS/MS.
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– Separation of fluorescently labeled phosphoinositides and sphingolipids by capillary electrophoresis.
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– Shotgun lipidomics strategy for fast analysis of phospholipids in fisheries waste and its potential in species differentiation.
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– Liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of phospholipids. Chromatography, ionization and quantification.
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– Methods for analyzing phosphoinositides using mass spectrometry.
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– Quantitative profiling of phosphatidylethanol molecular species in human blood by liquid chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry.
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– Improved solvent extraction procedure and high-performance liquid chromatography -evaporative light-scattering detector method for analysis of polar lipids from dairy materials.
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– Investigation of natural phosphatidylcholine sources separation and identification by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS) of molecular species.
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– Identification of abundant alkyl ether glycerophospholipids in the human lens by tandem mass spectrometry techniques.
Deeley JM et al., Anal Chem 2009, 81, 1920-1930
– Analysis of fatty acid profile in plasma phospholipids by solid-phase extraction in combination with GC.
Taylor LA et al., Eur J Lipid Sci Technol 2009, 111, 912-9
– High-sensitivity analysis of glycosphingolipids by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization quadrupole ion trap time-of-flight imaging mass spectrometry on transfer membranes.
Goto-Inoue N et al., J Chromatogr A 2009, 1216, 7096-7101
– Analysis of phospholipids in rat brain using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.
Norris C et al., Lipids 2009, 44, 1047-1054
– Isolevuglandins covalently modify phosphatidylethanolamines in vivo : detection and quantitative analysis of hydroxylactam adducts.
Li W et al., Free Rad Biol Med 2009, 47, 1539-1552
– Selective fluorescence labeling of lipids in living cells.
Neef AB et al., Angew Chem Int 2009, 48, 1498-1500
– Determination of content and fatty acid composition of unlabeled phosphoinositide species by thin-layer chromatography and gas chromatography.
Konig S et al., Anal Biochem 2008, 378, 197-201
– Simultaneous determination and quantification of seven major phospholipid classes in human blood using normal-phase liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray mass spectrometry and the application in diabetes nephropathy.
Pang LQ et al., J Chromatogr B 2008, 869, 118-125
– An improved method for separating cardiolipin by HPLC.
Lipids 2008, 43, 971-6An improved method for separating cardiolipin by HPLC
– Determination of phospholipids in olive oil by 31P NMR spectroscopy.
Hatzakis E et al., J Agric Food Chem 2008, 56, 6232-6240
– Separation and determination of functional complex lipids from chicken skin.
Yunoki K et al., JAOCS 2008, 85, 427-433
– Quantitative evaluation of sphingomyelin and glucosylceramide using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry with sphingosylphosphorylcholine as an internal standard. Practical application to tissues from patients with Niemann-Pick disease type A and C, Gaucher disease.
J Chromatogr B 2008, 870, 170-6
– Mass spectrometry analysis of oxidized phospholipids.
Chem Phys Lipids 2008, 156, 1-12
– Analysis of stem cell lipids by offline HPTLC-MALDI-TOF MS.
Fuchs B et al., Anal Bioanal Chem 2008, 392, 849-860
– Mass spectrometric analysis of lipid species of human circulating blood cells.
Leidl K et al., Biochim Biophys Acta 2008, 1781, 655-664
– Shotgun lipidomics reveals the temporally dependent, highly diversified cardiolipin profile in the mammalian brain: temporally coordinated postnatal diversification of cardiolipin molecular species with neuronal remodeling.
Cheng H et al., Biochemistry 2008, 47, 5869-5880
– Bloospot assay using HPLC-tandem mass spectrometry for detection of Barth syndrome.
Kulil W et al., Clin Chem 2008, 54, 371-8
– Rapid characterization of the fatty acyl composition of complex lipids by collision-induced dissociation time-of-flight mass spectrometry.
Esch SW et al., J Lipid Res 2007, 48, 235-241
– Use of the GRP1 PH domain as a tool to measure the relative levels of PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 through a protein-lipid overlay approach.
Guillou H. et al., J Lipid Res 2007, 48, 726-732
– Fluorescent determination of cardiolipin using 10-N-nonyl acridine orange.
Kaewsuya P et al., Anal Bioanal Chem 2007, 387, 2775-2782
– Simultaneous analysis of glycolipids and phospholipids molecular species in avocado (Persea amaricana) fruit.
Pacetti D et al., J Chromatogr A 2007, 1150, 241-251
– Feasibility of phospholipids separation by packed column SFC with mass spectrometric and light scattering detection.
Yip HS et al., Chromatographia 2007, 65, 655-665
– High-performance liquid chromatography method for quantifying sphingomyelin in rat brain.
Azzam DJ et al. J Chromatogr B 2007, 859, 131-136
– Separation of intact plasmalogens and all other phospholipids by a sigle run of high-performance liquid chromatography.
Mawatari S et al., Anal Biochem 2007, 370, 54-59
– Alkaline methanolysis of lipid extracts extends shotgun lipidomics analyses to the low-abundance regine of cellular sphingolipids.
Jiang X et al., Anal Biochem 2007, 371, 135-145
– Sublimation as a Method of Matrix Application for Mass Spectrometric Imaging.
Hankin JA et al., J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2007, 18, 1646-1652
– Fast high performance liquid chromatography analysis in lipidomics: separation of radiolabelled fatty acids and phosphatidylcholine molecular species using a monolithic C18 silica column.
Merlin JF et al., Anal Chimica Acta 2006, 565, 163-7
– Special methods for the analysis of ether lipid structure and metabolism in archaea.
Koga Y et al., Anal Biochem 2006, 348, 1-14
– Analysis of polyunsaturated aminophospholipid molecular species using isotope-tagged derivatives and tandem mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry.
Zemski Berry KA//et al Anal Biochem 2006, 349, 118-128
– Identification of biologically active triterpenes and sterols present in hexane extracts from Miconia species using high-resolution gas chromatography.
Crevelin EJ et al., Biomed Chromatogr 2006, 20, 827-830
– Multi-component analysis of marine lipids in fish gonads with emphasis on phospholipids using high resolution NMR spectroscopy.
Falch E et al., Chem Phys Lipids 2006, 144, 4-16
– Lipidomics: an analysis of cellular lipids by ESI-MS.
Milne S et al., Methods 2006, 39, 92-103
– Mass spectrometry determination of endonuclear phospholipid composition and dynamics.
Hunt AN et al., Methods 2006, 39, 104-111
– Automated identification and quantification og glycerophospholipid molecular species by multiple precursor ion scanning.
Ejsing CS et al., Anal Chem 2006, 78, 6202-6214
– Separation of yeast phospholipids using one-dimensional thin-layer chromatography.
Vaden DL et al., Anal Biochem 2005, 338, 162-4
– Shotgun lipidomics of phosphoethanolamine-containing lipids in biological samples after one-step in situ derivatization.
Han X et al., J Lipid Res 2005, 46, 1548-1560
– Separation and determination of phospholipids in plant seeds by nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis.
Guo BY et al., J Chromatogr A 2005, 1074, 205-213
– Removal of phospholipid contaminants through precipitation of glycosylphosphatidylinositols.
Azzouz N et al., Anal Biochem 2005, 343, 152-8
– sn-position determination of phospholipid-linked fatty acids derived from erythrocytes by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization ion-trap mass spectrometry.
Beermann C et al., Lipids 2005, 40, 211-218
– Analysis of phospholipids in lecithins Comparison between micellar electrokinetic chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography.
Szucs R et al., J Chromatogr A 2005, 738, 25-29
— Extraction of phospholipids from unused natural resources with supercritical carbon dioxide and an entrainer.
Tanaka Y et al., J Oleo Sci 2005, 54, 569-576
– Analysis of phospho- and sphingolipids in dairy products by a new HPLC method.
Rombaut R et al., J Dairy Sci 2005, 88, 482-488
– Positional analysis of egg triacylglycerols andphospholipids from hens fed diets enrichedwith refined seal blubber oil.
Pacetti D et al., J Sci Food Agric 2005, 85, 1703–1714
– Separation of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine by using high-performance displacement chromatography.
Zhang WN et al., J Chromatogr A 2004, 1036, 145-154
– Determination of choline containing phospholipids in serum, bile and amniotic fluids by the derivative enzymatic-spectrophotometric method.
Campanella L et al., J Pharm Biomed Anal 2004, 35, 399-407
– Isolation and identification of molecular species of phosphatidylcholine and lysophosphatidylcholine from Jojoba seed meal (Simmondsia chinensis).
Léon F et al., J Agric Food Chem 2004, 52, 1207-1211
– Separation and quantification by high-performance liquid chromatography with light scattering detection of the main wheat flour phospholipids during dough mixing in the presence of phospholipase.
Néron S et al., J Chromatogr A 2004, 1047, 77-83
– Normal phase liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry analysis of phospholipid molecular species in blood mononuclear cells: application to cystic fibrosis.
Malavolta M et al., J Chromatogr B, 2004, 810, 173-186
– Structural identification of human blood phospholipids using liquid chromatography/quadrupole-linear ion trap mass spectrometry.
Wang C et al., Anal Chim Acta 2004, 525, 1-10
– Fractionation of crude soybean lecithin with aqueous ethanol.
Wu Y et al., JAOCS 2004, 81, 697-704
– Liquid chromatographic analysis of milk phospholipids with on-line pre-concentration.
Fagan P et al., J Chromatogr A, 2004, 1054, 241-249
– Determination of choline and ethanolamine plasmalogens in human plasma by HPLC using radioactive triiodide ion.
Maeba R et al., Anal Biochem 2004, 331, 169-176.
– Analysis of medium-chain acyl-coenzyme A esters in mouse tissues by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.
Kasuya F et al., Anal Biochem 2004, 325, 196-205
– Matrix-assisted laser desorption and ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry in lipid and phospholipid research.
Schiller J et al., Prog Lipid Res 2004, 43, 449-488
– Determination of pyrrolized phospholipids in oxidized phospholipid vesicles and lipoproteins.
Hidalgo FJ et al., Anal Biochem 2004, 334, 155-163
– Quantification of phosphatidic acid and lysophosphatidic acid by HPLC with evaporative light scattering detection.
Holland WL et al., J Lipid Res 2003, 44, 854-8
– Spectrophotometric determination of total phosphorus in rape seeds and oils.
Szydlowska-Czerniak A et al., Food Chem 2003, 81, 613-9
– A novel colorimetric assay for the determination of lysophosphatidic acid in plasma using an enzymatic cycling method.
Kishimoto T et al., Clin Chim Acta 2003, 333, 59-67
– Separation of phospholipids in microfluidic chip device: application to high-throughput screening assays for lipid-modifying enzymes.
Lin S et al., Anal Biochem 2003, 314, 97-107
– HIgh-performance liquid chromatography with evaporative light-scattering detection for the determination of phospholipid classes in human milk, infant formulas and phospholipid sources of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Sala Vila A et al., J Chromatogr A 2003, 1008, 73-80
– Lipid class separation by HPLC combined with GC FA analysis : comparison of seed lipid compositions from different Brassica napus L varieties.
Beermann C et al., JAOCS 2003, 80, 747-753
– Separation and purification of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine from soybean degummed oil residues by using solvent extraction and column chromatography.
Zhang W et al., J Chromatogr B 2003, 798, 323-331
– Light-Scattering Detection of Phospholipids Resolved by HPLC.
Descalzo AM et al., Lipids 2003, 23, 999-1003
– Preparation of purified phosphatidylcholine by HPLC.
Yoon TH et al., J Chromatogr A 2002, 949, 209-216
– Separation of soybean phospholipids by HPLC.
Kang DH et al., J Chromatogr A 2002, 949, 217-223
– Nonenzymatic synthesis of glycerolipids catalyzed by imidazole.
Testet E et al., J Lipid Res 2002, 13, 1150-4
– Coupled assay of sphingomyelin and ceramide molecular species by gas liquid chromatography.
Vieu C et al., L Lipid Res 2002, 43, 410-522
– Analysis of aminophospholipid molecular species by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin modified micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography with laser-induced fluorescence detection.
Zhang L et al., Electrophoresis 2002, 23, 3071-7
– Nonradioactive analysis of phosphatidylinositides and other anionic phospholipids by anion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography with suppressed conductivity detection.
Nasuhoglu C et al., Anal Biochem 2002, 301, 243-254
– A fluorescence-based, high-throughput sphingomyelin assay for the analysis of Niemann-Pick disease and other disorders of sphingomyelin metabolism.
He X et al., Anal Biochem 2002, 306, 115-123
– Phospholipid composition of cell-derived microparticles determined by one-dimensional high-performance thin-layer chromatography
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A simple method to enrich phospholipid content in commercial soybean lecithin.
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– (lyso)phospholipid class separation by HPLC using an evaporative light-scattering detector.
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– Separation of phospholipids by nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis with electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry.
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