An overview of the detection methods to the edible oil oxidation degree: Recent progress, challenges, and perspectives
Lu Y et al., Food Chem 2025, 463, 141443
Temperature-dependent kinetics of unsaturated fatty acid methyl esters: Modeling autoxidation mechanisms
Touffet M et al., Food Chem 25 March 2025, 143952
Kinetics of simultaneous change in the concentration of total lipid hydroperoxides and total conjugated dienes during peroxidation of canola, sunflower, and olive oils
Jaldani S et al., Food Chem 2024, 435, 137605
Formation of Epoxy Fatty Acids in Triacylglycerol Standards during Heating
Nishimura K et al., J Oleo Sci 2024, 73, 637
Half is enough: Oxidized lysophospholipids as novel bioactive molecules
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Characterization of the Oxylipin Pattern and Other Fatty Acid Oxidation Products in Freshly Pressed and Stored Plant Oils
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Antioxidant activity toward fish oil triacylglycerols exerted by sphingoid bases isolated from butter serum with α-tocopherol
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Effect of irradiation treatment on the lipid composition and nutritional quality of goat meat
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Coulometrically determined antioxidant capacity (CDAC) as a possible parameter to categorize extra virgin olive oil
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Quantitative Evaluation of Oxidative Stability of Biomembrane Lipids in the Presence of Vitamin E
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– Malondialdehyde, 4‐Hydroxy‐2‐Hexenal, and 4‐Hydroxy‐2‐Nonenal in Vegetable Oils: Formation Kinetics and Application as Oxidation Indicators.
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– Study on the Volatile Oxidation Compounds and Quantitative Prediction of Oxidation Parameters in Walnut (Carya cathayensis Sarg.) Oil.
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The Good and Bad Faces of Oxidized Phospholipids: Friends or Foes of Vascular Endothelium?
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Formation of Cholesterol Oxidation Products, Cholesterol Dimers and Cholestadienes After Thermal Processing of Cholesterol Standards and Butter
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Recent development on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of oxidized lipids.
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Enantioselective high-performance liquid chromatography analysis of oxygenated polyunsaturated fatty acids.
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Analysis of oxidised and glycated aminophospholipids: Complete structural characterisation by C30 liquid chromatography-high resolution tandem mass spectrometry.
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Analysis of fragmented oxidized phosphatidylcholines in human plasma using mass spectrometry: Comparison with immune assays.
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– Epoxy fatty acids in used frying fats and oils, edible oils and chocolate and their formation in oils during heating.
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